Kim Wilkinson started as a caregiver and knew that senior living was where she wanted to begin her career. She soon moved into an Assistant Administrator role. In 2004, Kim accepted the Administrator role at Eagle Springs Memory Care. At that time, it was clear that memory care was her passion. Kim has a husband, two children, and five grandchildren. In her spare time, you will find her at her cabin spending time with her family and friends.

Eagle Springs Memory Care
Our Team
We have a great team at Eagle Springs Memory Care—guided by goodness, loyalty, faith, and fun. Contact us anytime, we would love to meet you!

Patricia Guzman
Community Relations Director
Patricia Guzman has been the Community Relations Director with Eagle Springs Memory Care since 2023. She has been in management roles within the senior living industry since 2010. Patricia is currently working on completing her PhD dissertation on contemplative practices in end-of-life care. She has three children and 17 grandchildren whom she adores spoiling. She is also a boxer mom and, when not at work, can be found walking her dogs, quilting and knitting, thrifting and restoring found treasures, and traveling to visit her extended family, which often includes regular trips to Ireland.

Anita Moro
Business Office Manager
Anita started working with Eagle Springs Memory Care in April of 2019. She enjoys the variety in her duties as the Business Office Manager. Her background started in health care and continued in business management where her experiences and training are used daily. When Anita is not at work you can find her outside with her husband fishing at the river or traveling, camping, and spending time with friends and family.

Tina Downey
Wellness Director
Tina Downey has been with Eagle Springs Memory Care as their Wellness Director (RN) since 2004, with a small break in between before she returned in 2019. She is passionate about memory care and working with residents and their families. Tina started as a caregiver and received her RN license not long after. She is a mother, wife, and nurse. When she’s not working at Eagle Springs, you will find her camping, traveling, and going to baseball games.

Manny Leal
Dining Services Director
Manny Leal joined Eagle Springs Memory Care as Dining Services Director in May of 2024. He comes to us with several years of culinary experience and customer service. When he’s not curating new recipes for Eagle Springs, Manny loves to cook at home, travel to big cities, and meet new people.

Ryan Hall
Maintenance Director
Ryan joined Eagle Springs Memory Care in October 2024. Ryan was a truck driver and worked in receiving before shifting to plant maintenance in 1991. Ryan has a son, whom he raised alone, and provides a home to various cats, dogs, and fish. When he is not taking care of our physical plant, he can be found golfing, working out with son, and working in the yard. He also enjoys traveling internationally and locally. Ryan also does volunteer work and is involved in his local church.