What is it like to go on the Internet for the very first time – at age 91?
ever once checking an e-mail, watching a YouTube® clip, or signing on to Facebook®. But recently, as part of a program that introduced him to the internet for the first time, the former farmer did all three— plus, he saw his childhood home on Google Earth®, Skyped® with his grandchildren, and checked out Wikipedia®. “The world is at my fingertips,” he said. “It’s really exciting if you ask me.”
Our teen volunteer program closes the age gap between Gen Alpha, Gen Z, and their elders, as they come together to learn about how to stay connected to the world and to their family through our ‘#Gen2000 Project’. The Alpha, Gen Z, and the Silent and Baby Boomer Generations all come together to bridge the largest generation gap ever – learning from one another and forging relationships and making connections unlike any other time in history. #Gen2000 is changing lives and connecting generations!