Tina has worked in the graphic design, marketing, and printing industry since 1991. She earned an Associate of Arts Degree in Art & Graphic Design from Southwestern Illinois College and went on to earn her Bachelor of Arts degree in Visual Communications/Graphic Design from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.
Tina has many passions. . .from enjoying many forms of arts & crafts, like crocheting, sewing, lace-making, and quilting to name a few, to DIY projects of all kinds, exploring small towns to learn their history, and helping out with the family sheep farm. But her greatest passion of all are her two boys, Evan and Eli. She enjoys the country life in the community where she grew up in southwestern Illinois. Tina’s family all live within 4 miles of each other.
She is also a lover of what she calls ‘isms’. . .those inspirational sayings that always seem to make their presence known at just the right time.
Tina firmly believes:
• you reap what you sow.
• you are the master of your own destiny.
• your life is your story, write well and edit often.
• that when writing the story of your life, don’t hand the pen to someone else.
• that if the plan doesn’t work, change the plan but never the goal.
• difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations.
• it is not always about the destination, sometimes it is about the journey.
• it’s never or now.
Seek your crescendo. Age loudly. Live intensely.