Becky has been in the health care field since the early 2000's and cannot imagine doing anything else. She started her career as a housekeeper and worked her way up to Physical Therapy Assistant, Certified Nurse’s Assistant, Medication Technician, Resident Care Coordinator, Assistant Administrator, and now Administrator.
Becky moved to Oregon from California shortly after marrying her husband, Jason. Becky and her husband have nine children and can be found at her country home with their beloved Dachshunds and Goldendoodles. Becky is a known foodie, and when not at work enjoys reading, motorcycle rides, adventures with her children and gran children, and going to her country cabin by the river. She can be won over with Grape Fanta and anything Oregon Ducks related. She also is an avid fish lover and enjoys the puzzle of figuring out a tank with 5 fish and 2 snails.